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Teen Creates Volunteering App for the Plainsboro Preserve

By Jasmin Mendoza ('20)

Senior Sudarshan Seshadri is the creator of NJ APP Bluebird Log, which could potentially serve as an inspiration for future students interested in mobile app development.

NJ APP Bluebird Log is a New Jersey mobile application for the Plainsboro Preserve. It serves as a volunteering app that allows volunteers to log bluebird nests and bluebird boxes for volunteer hours.

“We get volunteers to go out on fields and collect data about the bluebird boxes where birds can make nests and stuff. And basically volunteers have to go to the fields and open the boxes and write down what’s in them using clipboards,” said Seshadri.

Seshadri described the process of creating the app as both rocky and smooth.

“I already knew how to do the IOS part but I had to learn some new things when working on the Android part,” said Seshadri, “It took me a considerably long time to make the Android app.”

Fortunately, the process of collecting the data wasn’t as difficult. While making the app, Seshadri had to go to the Plainsboro Preserve and converse with the head administration to get all the requirements needed for the app, such as the kind of data fields needed or anything else they would like to see in the app itself.

Seshadri interviewed some of the volunteers at the Plainsboro Preserve, asking them for any additional opinions on the app and asking them about their volunteer experience revolving around bluebirds.

Shruthi Kunamneni, a senior at SBHS, volunteered at the Plainsboro Preserve and utilized the NJ APP Bluebird Log application. Kunamneni reported that she personally liked it due to the app being easy to use.

“It was nice that we didn’t have to do everything on paper and we could just send it to the database [NJ APP Bluebird] instead of somebody having to record all the time,” said Kunamneni.

NJ APP Bluebird serves to be convenient by making the work of volunteers much easier by the press of a few buttons.

“After that, it was just a process of coding for the app and that was quite easy,” said Seshadri.

Creating an app, especially as a high school student may prove to be difficult, but Seshadri’s story may make it easier for them. The struggle of thinking about the most profitable type of app overrides the process of even creating the app itself, which leads to people giving up early. “A lot of people get stuck upon making the ‘perfect app’. All you have to do is start coding, find any idea--doesn’t even have to be amazing-- you will get into the swing of making it. You’ll be good,” advised Seshadri.

NJ APP Bluebird is a free application available on both IOS and Android devices. However, because of administration changes, the program and the app is not up as of yet. The app is limited to those who volunteer at the Plainsboro Preserve as applicants need to create an account to access it.

Does Seshadri have plans for more apps in the future? Fortunately, his answer is yes.

“Oh definitely. I’m actually working on a game right now. I just started making it a couple of weeks ago,” stated Seshadri.

Even though the app is limited to those who volunteer at the Plainsboro Preserve, the app still is an impressive feat for a senior in highschool.

According to Will Swan, a writer for Medium, an online publishing platform, “It is estimated that around 1 out of every 10,000 apps succeed. There are roughly 6 million apps available on the App Store and Play Store combined, which means there are about 60,000 successful apps.”

People of all ages can make an app. It just needs a passionate creator with a heart and mind filled with unlimited aspirations. Like Seshadri says, creating an app may be difficult on paper, but once people get into the swing of things, the final product will be worth it in the end.

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